Women in STEM: Aim High!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Each year the Center for Initiatives in STEM and Offices of Career Services and Experiential Learning host the Women in STEM – Aim High! workshop to empower and foster the success of women, non-binary, other underrepresented genders, and advocates studying in STEM fields at UCF. Network with industry professionals to hear their stories, recommendations for success, and STEM-related career opportunities! The event will be held on Wednesday, October 18 from 5-8:30pm in the Student Union Pegasus Ballroom. The evening consists of a keynote, industry panels and networking time pre/post event. Heavy hors d’oeuvre will be served. RSVP at https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1TCyUCAB2CM1wIl 

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Student Union Pegasus Ballroom

Event Registration

Register for this event by October 6th, 2023.

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Mary Kate Wilkerson 4078236230 stem@ucf.edu






Career STEM Conference women in STEM STEM