Food for Thought: Innovation for Military Modeling and Simulation

Friday, October 20, 2023 noon to 2 p.m.

We are excited to partner with the Modeling and Simulation Knights (MaSK) to host lunch, then a presentation from Chris McGroarty of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center (DEVCOM SC) Simulation and Training Center (STTC). We hope you will join us and your fellow Modeling and Simulation community for this session.

Innovation for Military Modeling and Simulation

This intriguing talk on cutting-edge military technology and research introduces how the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command - Soldier Center (DEVCOM SC) Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC) is leading the charge in developing innovative solutions to maximize Soldier Effectiveness and Warfighter Readiness. DEVCOM SC STTC, home to world-class experts in Modeling, Simulation, and Training, is on a mission to revolutionize military training. Dive into their research areas, including adaptive training systems, medical simulation, training technologies, and advanced modeling and simulation. Explore research projects that directly support the Army of 2030 and the conceptualization of the Army of 2040. Gain insights into how the Science and Technology (S&T) research community drives the application, maturation, demonstration, and transition of these technologies. This is a great opportunity to better understand research opportunities for the UCF community and network with one of STTC's Chief Engineers. 

About our presenter: Chris McGroarty is the Chief Engineer for Advanced Simulation at the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, Soldier Center, Simulation and Training Technology Center (DEVCOM SC STTC). His research interests include distributed simulation, simulation architectures, applications of Artificial Intelligence Technologies to simulation, novel computing architectures, innovative methods for user-simulation interaction, methodologies for making simulation more accessible by non-simulation experts, future simulation frameworks, and the application of videogame industry technologies. He manages and leads a variety of research efforts that mature, integrate and demonstrate these technologies in a relevant Army and Department of Defense context. He received his Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 

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Modeling & Simulation Modeling and Simulation Knights Food for Thought Research and Development Military