ePortfolio Design Principles Workshop: Graduate School Edition with Academic Advancement Programs

Wednesday, January 31, 2024 11 a.m. to noon

Academic Advancement Programs (AAP) prepares undergraduate students to pursue advanced degrees and increase their awareness and knowledge of the graduate school application process. Visit aap.ucf.edu to learn more about AAP structured programs, services, and resources. Not everyone is an expert in visual design.

The resources in this workshop provided by Knights of Distinction will help you learn some core principles for an effective and accessible ePortfolio design. You will have the opportunity to explore design resources and work on your ePortfolio during this workshop as well!

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Trevor Coulborn Hall 201: TCH 201

Event Registration

This is a hybrid event that can be attended in-person or virtually on Zoom. Register on Handshake.

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Chemistry Calendar - 2015




Academic Advancement Programs experiential learning knights of distinction eportfolio