CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks

Friday, March 29, 2024 noon to 1 p.m.

The UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science's Zoom-cast series is live-streamed every other Friday, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., offering talks by CECS faculty and a live-chat Q&A. 

Targeted to faculty, scientists and potential industry and government partners, all are invited to Zoom-in and hear presentations by UCF’s engineering and computer science faculty who explain their cutting-edge, pioneering research endeavors in quick snapshots. 

These talks provide an opportunity to get to know — and collaborate with — our faculty who are advancing innovations in all areas of engineering and computer science, including smart city technology, aerospace, energy, modeling and simulation, medicine, advanced materials, cyber security and more. Each faculty presenter will narrate as they share illustrative slides.

Moderated by Subith Vasu, Ph.D., UCF Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, viewers can submit questions in real-time and express interest in collaborating. 

The March 29, 2024 presenter lineup:

  • Jaesung Lee, Ph.D., UCF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: "Acoustic Frequency Comb Generating in Nanoelectromechanical Systems"
  • Shahana Ibrahim, Ph.D., UCF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering: "Ensuring Robustness in Machine Learning by Combating the Real-world Data Uncertainties"
  • Cynthia Williams, Ph.D., School of Global Health Management and Informatics: "Unveiling Health Information Technologies: Exploring Realities, Challenges and Opportunities"

See more details in the March 29 faculty research talk flyer.

Miss a session? See recordings of past research talks.

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Office of Research




Cynthia Williams Shahana Ibrahim Jaesung Lee research UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science