Research Computing and Data Workshop Series - Foundations of Data Management: Managing Your Data

Wednesday, February 16, 2022 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Healthy data management provides a foundation for strong research. This session will introduce participants to the components of a data management plan, data management processes, the DMPTool, and data repositories. Topics include data expectations, data and metadata standards, access and sharing considerations, and data storage and preservation.

Presenters: Lee Dotson

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Research Computing and Data Workshops Series

We are pleased to bring to the UCF Research community a series of workshops on scientific computing and research data management. These workshops are being jointly presented by UCF LibrariesUCF Graduate and Research IT, and UCF Advanced Research Computing Center (ARCC) and will feature some guest speakers from the broader research community. This series also includes Software and Data Carpentries workshops ( which have been made possible through the sponsorship of Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff, Vice President for Research and Dean, College of Graduate Studies.

Upcoming Workshops

For the complete line-up of upcoming Research Computing and Data Workshops, please visit:

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Events at UCF




research computing research data management