This hands-on workshop will cover how to tackle data organization by applying simple practices using Microsoft Excel. Good data organization is the foundation of any research project and learning to organize data in spreadsheets is one way to ensure your data collection is off to a good start. Some of the principles that will be reviewed during this session include good data entry practices by formatting data tables properly, basic quality control and data manipulation in spreadsheets, and how to export data from spreadsheets. Please bring your own device and have a spreadsheet program downloaded on your device prior to the workshop date.
Please note: Remember to bring your own device.
Presenters: Sandy Avila, Lee Dotson
Registration link:
Research Computing and Data Workshops Series
We are pleased to bring to the UCF Research community a series of workshops on scientific computing and research data management. These workshops are being jointly presented by UCF Libraries, UCF Graduate and Research IT, and UCF Advanced Research Computing Center (ARCC) and will feature some guest speakers from the broader research community. This series also includes Software and Data Carpentries workshops ( which have been made possible through the sponsorship of Dr. Elizabeth Klonoff, Vice President for Research and Dean, College of Graduate Studies.
Upcoming Workshops
For the complete line-up of upcoming Research Computing and Data Workshops, please visit:
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