Amazon Comprehend for Natural Language Processing

Wednesday, October 12, 2022 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Learn how to use Amazon Comprehend to derive and understand valuable insights from text within documents. Amazon Comprehend is a natural-language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to uncover information in unstructured data and text. In this workshop, you will learn how to use Amazon Comprehend to perform sentiment analysis, syntax analysis, detect entities, extract key phrases, detect personal information, and train the service to use custom classifiers. This is a hands-on workshop and a dedicated AWS account will be provided for the lab exercises.

Registration for this workshop will close at 8AM on October 11th.

This workshop is being presented in hybrid format. You may choose to attend in-person or virtually via Zoom/Microsoft Teams. There is limited seating available for in-person attendance.


Gabriel Brackman - Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services

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Research 1: 101-A [ View Website ]

Event Registration

Registration is required for this workshop. Registration will close at 8AM on October 11th.

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