We will host a one-hour panel presentation comprised of 4-6 women faculty who have successfully achieved tenure or are on the tenure-track at UCF while raising young (below the age of 10) children. The panel will occur on campus during lunch and all UCF faculty will be invited (not just pre-tenured women with children).
The goal of the panel will be for these women to share:
- the challenges they faced while trying to achieve tenure,
- the strategies they employed to cope with these challenges, and
- recommendations for how UCF faculty and administration can better support women faculty who are both mothers and on the tenure-track.
CSWF 2017 Faculty Fellows: Beatriz Reyes-Foster, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Sciences; Pamela Wisniewski, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science.
No RSVP needed.
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