Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017, 12:00pm – 1:00pm, UCF Student Union Pensacola Board Room 222. CSWF Book Club, The PhDictionary: A Glossary of Things You Don't Know (but Should) about Doctoral and Faculty Life
Author: Herb Childress (1st gen undergraduate turned college professor turned administrator)
This book is a humorous look at the verbiage and traditions known only in academia. While it might sound like this book is only perfect for new faculty members, I can assure you that anyone in academia who reads and discusses this book will learn something new. The author Herb Childress acknowledges that he has tripped over almost every possible misunderstood term, run up against every arcane practice, and has developed strategies to deal with them all. He combines current data and personal stories into memorable definitions of 150 key phrases and concepts faculty need to know (or pretend to know) as they navigate their academic careers. From "ABD" to "buyout," to "FERPA”, "gray literature, " and "soft money", it all becomes clear(er) with helpful definitions combined with plenty of relevant advice.
CSWF has a limited number of copies to share. No RSVP needed.
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