WAC Wednesday: Red Light, Green Light: Using a Stoplight Metaphor to Promote Transparency in AI Usage

Wednesday, November 13, 2024 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

WAC Wednesday: Red Light, Green Light: Using a Stoplight Metaphor to Promote Transparency in AI Usage 

November 13th | 10-11AM | Zoom (https://ucf.zoom.us/j/92812525846)

Are you a faculty member, graduate teaching assistant, or a future teacher looking for effective ways to communicate your expectations for AI usage in writing assignments?

Come hear from faculty who have adapted a stoplight metaphor to promote transparency and convey expectations of AI use to students. Featured faculty presenters include Taylar Wenzel, Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Education and Michelle Kelley, Professor of Reading Education.

WAC Wednesday events are hosted by the UCF Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Program, which is part of the UCF Center for Writing Excellence. This virtual discussion group brings together faculty and staff interested in discussing writing within and across disciplines for informal conversation.

If you have questions, contact event coordinator Lissa Pompos Mansfied lissa@ucf.edu.

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Lissa Pompos Mansfield lissa@ucf.edu


Events at ucf




writing across the curriculum Artificial Intelligence writing teaching