W.O.W. (Women on Weights) - Women are taking over the weight floor!

Monday, March 19, 2012 7 a.m. to Friday, March 23 at 6 a.m.
Females face a lot of obstacles when it comes to resistance training – so we want to give you the knowledge and confidence to overcome these barriers. Resistance training is such an important part of a healthy lifestyle, especially for women. A few benefits include an increased metabolism, more energy, a better mood, and a leaner, more sculpted feminine body. RWC trainers and instructors will teach you all the basics on weight training equipment (including free weights and machines), exercise technique, and how to create and maintain a regular resistance training routine.

This program meets at 7 a.m. Monday, March 19th – Friday , March 23rd. The group will meet in the RWC Multipurpose Room on Monday for the introductory session. The Multicultural Student Center will provide a healthy breakfast following our Monday session. Each session will last approximately 60 minutes. All participants will receive a Women on Weights T-Shirt! Please sign up below by March 15th. Read More


Recreation and Wellness Center




