National Running Day at the RWC! - Celebrate, Run and win free prizes with our Knight Runnners

Wednesday, June 6, 2012 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
June 6 is National Running Day. One of UCF's newest Sport Clubs, the Knight Runners want to meet you and get you excited about running! Come meet the Knight Runners on Wednesday, June 6, 2012 from 4pm-7pm in front of the RWC. Win some fun, free and great prizes, including t-shirts, gift certificates to Fit 2 Run and much more. Members of the Knight Runners Club will have more information on how to get involved. You can also meet our Athletic Training staff and learn more about our Gait Assessment program to help you run and walk healthier. RWC partner, Fit 2 Run, will be at the event, raffling off prizes and showing off the latest and greatest running shoes. You can even go for a run around the Gemini Blvd loop at 7pm with the club! Get involved and celebrate National Running Day at the RWC! Read More


Recreation and Wellness Center




