United Way Campaign Extension - Live United Campaign extended through November 15

Friday, November 1, 2013 8 a.m. to Friday, November 15 at 5 p.m.
Thank you for making October a great Live United Month for UCF! Generous contributions, volunteering, agency tours, and special events throughout this year's campaign have been providing opportunities and resources for individuals in our community.

We still need your help to reach our goal of $150,000! The pledge drive has been extended through November 15 to give everyone the opportunity to participate.

Please visit http://www.ucf.edu/liveunited for information regarding online and paper pledge form donations.

If you would like to receive newsletters and announcements, email liveunited@ucf.edu and ask to be added to the listserv.

Thank you for your commitment to UCF and our community! Read More


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