Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Disabilities and Social Justice

Wednesday, January 17, 2018 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

How do we, as public administrators and good citizens, ensure social justice in protecting some of the most vulnerable citizens in our society? Join the American Society for Public Administration Central Florida Chapter January 17 at 11:00 a.m. at the Lou Frey Institute as we host our fourth discussion on this topic. Our panelist will focus on social justice for citizens with physical or mental disabilities. The cost for this event is $10 and includes a light lunch for all participants.

Speaker Panel:Thomasa Sanchez, Founder and CEO of the McCormick Research InstituteDr. Mary Dillon, UCF College of Health and Public Affairs

Lunch will be provided.

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Lou Frey Institute of Politics and Government: Training Room [ View Website ]


Mary Ann Feldheim


Department of Health Sciences




The Lou Frey Institute School of Public Administration Central Florida ASPA Social justice mental health