Secular Advocacy Dinner

Thursday, March 15, 2018 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

RSVP Required:

This is a social event for the secular community and an opportunity to learn about the Secular Safe Zone and other UCF secular advocacy efforts and to discuss secular advocacy in general. This dinner is being held in honor of special guests Kevin Bolling and Ryan Bell, who are visiting from the Secular Student Alliance national office in Los Angeles to review UCF's Secular Safe Zone program. They look forward to sharing a meal with faith and secular leaders in Central Florida, local community members, and Secular Safe Zone Allies and friends. We hope you can join us.

Kevin and Ryan will be on campus on March 15th and 16th, and other opportunities to connect with them are availalbe. Contact for schedule information.

There will be presentations about efforts and achievements at UCF, followed by discussion about secular advocacy.

Seating is limited.

RSVP Required:

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Barbara Ying Center


Humanist and Secular Services




Humanist and Secular Services