Can Cities Thrive in the Face of Climate Change? A European Perspective on Building Resilience

Thursday, April 19, 2018 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Can Cities Thrive in the Face of Climate Change?  
A European Perspective on Building Resilience

April 19, 2018
3:30 p.m.
HPA 1, Room 126
Reception to follow 

What do we mean by resilience in the context of European cities? During this presentation we will discuss:

  • The current state of and major obstacles to resilience
  • The tools and resources to support resilience in major European cities
  • The conditions that frame the success of resilience processes in European cities.

Alberto Terenzi leads sustainability efforts in Europe in his role as Senior Project Officer for Sustainable Resources, Climate and Resilience in the European Secretariat of Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI). He is an expert on climate mitigation, adaptation and resilience. He consults on sustainable strategic development. He holds a master’s degree in International Relations from Bologna University, Italy.

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HPA: 126


Political Science


Nicholson School of Communication and Media




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