Leveraging OER: Creating an Affordable and Customized Student Learning Experience

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Session Abstract

Whether you are looking to save your students money on high-priced course materials or leverage learning content that offers you the freedom to customize the learning experience for your highly-diverse student demographic, open educational resources (OER) can help you to achieve your goals. In this session, participants will learn about the richness of openly-licensed educational materials, where to find them, and potential use cases for implementation in their courses. Additionally, a UCF professor will share his story about his journey to OER and how his idea began a chain of events that turned his static text to life for his students.

Register for this Event

This session is avaialble face-to-face and online. Reserve your viewing experience and register for this session here: https://fsot-oer.eventbrite.com

Additional Session Information

For presentations resources and to learn more about the presenters, go to: https://cdl.ucf.edu/faculty-seminar20/

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Center for Distributed Learning: LIB - 161B







Seminar OER CDL