Volunteering and Secular Identities

Monday, September 17, 2018 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Join us for a presentation, "Volunteering as an Atheist at Faith-Biased Organizations." This discussion explores barriers to secular volunteerism and challenges potentially faced by the non-religious community when volunteering, donating, and seeking service at non-profits.

Speaker: Tee Rogers, Humanist Chaplain and founder of Humanist and Secular Services at UCF. Tee also serves as the director of a local Secular Humanist organization that works to increase inclusion of atheistic identities through volunteerism and advocacy.

This event is sponsored by the Secular Student Alliance at UCF.

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Student Union Room 223: Room 223 (Cedar Key)


Humanist and Secular Services at UCF 407-823-3094 Nonreligion@ucf.edu


Humanist and Secular Services




Humanist and Secular Services