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November 2020
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
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7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
10 a.m.
2020 Faculty Exhibition
10 a.m.
Getting Started in Undergraduate Research
11 a.m.
Career Lab: Resumes
11:30 a.m.
UCF Trumpet Masterclass with Prof. Tina Erickson from the University of Tennessee
12 p.m.
Coffee & Conversation
1 p.m.
The Graduate School Application Process
1:30 p.m.
PHPL Virtual Drop-In's
2 p.m.
LGBTQ+: Intersectionality + Allyship
3 p.m.
Safe Zone: Advocates
3 p.m.
Trans 101
3 p.m.
Internal Rules Committee
5:45 p.m.
GAP Committee
Expand Events List
7 a.m.
5k Training Program
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
9 a.m.
Precedence Committee
10 a.m.
2020 Faculty Exhibition
11 a.m.
Knight Vision (ERP) Kick Off Open Forum
12 p.m.
Take Charge Tuesday: Test Anxiety
12 p.m.
Crash Course of Climb
12:15 p.m.
FAO Committee
1 p.m.
Being a Good Research Mentee
1 p.m.
CAPS Racial Healing Group
1 p.m.
LinkedIn Made Easy
2:30 p.m.
ORS Committee
4:45 p.m.
LJR Committee
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Government Contracting: Overview
10 a.m.
2020 Faculty Exhibition
10 a.m.
FPO234: ePro Requisitions: The Basics
11 a.m.
Employer EXCHANGE with Herc Rentals
11:30 a.m.
Faculty Senate Personnel Committee
12 p.m.
Publishing Your Undergraduate Research (URJ)
12 p.m.
Prep with a Pro
12 p.m.
SGLC Steering Committee
12 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
1 p.m.
Violence Prevention Certificate Series: Single, Taken, Confused
1 p.m.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills
1 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
1:30 p.m.
Reading Hamilton with Donatella Galella
2 p.m.
Preparing a Research Poster
3 p.m.
Koru Class
3 p.m.
UCF Dreamers/DACA/TPS - Virtual Community Meetings
3 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
3 p.m.
Matters of Diversity with Dr. B
4 p.m.
Presentation Skills – Online
4 p.m.
Living the UCF Creed
4 p.m.
Find Your Style: Public Speaking and Teamwork Workshop
4 p.m.
CAPS Post-Election Support Space
5 p.m.
CRT Committee
5 p.m.
What is a CV? - Webinar
6 p.m.
HEART to Heart: A Sex Positive Chat!
7 p.m.
Share the Knight with the Cartwrights - East Coast Event
Expand Events List
7 a.m.
5k Training Program
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Day Hike
10 a.m.
2020 Faculty Exhibition
11 a.m.
E&A Committee
12 p.m.
Ethical and Legal Issues in Teaching Workshop
12 p.m.
Healthy Coping Series
12 p.m.
Research Recovery & Reskill Webinar: Fall 2020 Series #6
12 p.m.
FreshU Kitchen Cooking Demonstration
1 p.m.
Build Winning Resumes, Presented by CDW
2 p.m.
Supporting Black Knights: Surviving the Racial Pandemic
2:30 p.m.
Virtual Couponing 101 Class
3 p.m.
SBA Committee
3 p.m.
Power Mapping: Create Your Networking Plan
3 p.m.
Mathematical Biology Seminar by Jacopo Baggio: Complexity, diversity, cognition and group problem solving ability
4:20 p.m.
Judicial Outreach Committee
5:30 p.m.
IGNITE: Disney Virtual Information Session
5:30 p.m.
IGNITE: Disney Information Session (CE, CS and IT majors)
5:30 p.m.
UCF PokeKnights: Downtown Campus In-Person Club Meetings (Fall 2020)
6 p.m.
Eleganza: Amateur Drag Show
6 p.m.
Eleganza: Amateur Drag Show
7 p.m.
Student Government Senate
7 p.m.
TEA@UCF Weekly Meeting
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7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
Healing Art Exhibition: Call for Entries
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
10 a.m.
UFF-UCF Fall Consultation
10 a.m.
Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes
11:30 a.m.
UCF Percussion Masterclass with Matt Keown
12 p.m.
Richard Samuels- Presentation on Special Duty
12 p.m.
Preparing a Research Poster
12 p.m.
Symposium: Life and Death in Pompeii
12 p.m.
CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks
3 p.m.
Matters of Diversity with Dr. B
3 p.m.
Candidate Open Forum: Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
4:30 p.m.
AFAA Group Exercise Certification Course
5:30 p.m.
Hack@UCF goes Virtual
5:30 p.m.
Cultural Exchanges Matter
6 p.m.
Rock The Ribbon Trivia Night
Expand Events List
12 a.m.
AFAA Group Exercise Certification Course
8 a.m.
UCF Counseling Symposium on Integrated Care and Opioid Use Disorder
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
10:30 a.m.
Physics Career Exploration Day
7 p.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
Expand Events List
12 a.m.
AFAA Group Exercise Certification Course
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
2 p.m.
Virtual College Fair for Prospective Students
7 p.m.
UCF Percussion Ensemble Concert
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7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
Veterans Flag Week
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Healing Societies in Conflict: Lessons from Northern Ireland and Israel-Palestine
11 a.m.
Student Support Services at UCF (Virtual Session)
12 p.m.
Coffee & Conversation
12:30 p.m.
Understanding a Research Literature Review
1:30 p.m.
PHPL Virtual Drop-In's
3 p.m.
Internal Rules Committee
3 p.m.
Candidate Open Forum: Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
5:30 p.m.
OMGraduation 2-Day Event
5:30 p.m.
IGNITE: Lockheed Martin Virtual Information Session
5:45 p.m.
GAP Committee
6 p.m.
COS Alumni Virtual Panel, Life After Graduation: Succeeding in the Workplace
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Veterans Flag Week
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
9 a.m.
On Campus Adventure: Arboretum Flora and Fauna Hike
9 a.m.
Precedence Committee
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
CANCELED: Virtual Flag Raising & Veterans Salute - Veterans Month at UCF: A Month of Honor and Remembrance
11 a.m.
Intellectual Property Rights - ELECTIVE
11 a.m.
Career Lab: Resumes
12 p.m.
Take Charge Tuesday: Mood Management
12 p.m.
Crash Course of Climb
12:15 p.m.
FAO Committee
1 p.m.
SBA Workshop: Resources for Veterans
1 p.m.
CAPS Racial Healing Group
1:30 p.m.
Making the Most of a Research Conference
1:30 p.m.
UCF Bands Guest Speaker: Composer Talk: In Pursuit of Diversity & In One’s Own Voice with Jennifer Jolley, Asst Prof of Composition, Texas Tech University
2 p.m.
Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes
2 p.m.
1st Gen Panel Discussion with Downtown (Virtual Session)
2 p.m.
Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee
2:30 p.m.
ORS Committee
4:45 p.m.
LJR Committee
5 p.m.
Ethical Decision Making in Graduate School and Beyond - ELECTIVE
5:30 p.m.
OMGraduation 2-Day Event
6:30 p.m.
First Generation Employer Panel
6:30 p.m.
OMGrad Panel (Virtual Session)
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Veterans Flag Week
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
12 p.m.
SGLC Steering Committee
12 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
12 p.m.
Helping Healing Through Better Eating with Rafaela Frota
1 p.m.
Le Café Francophone - French Conversation
1 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
2 p.m.
Pride Chats
3 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
4 p.m.
Literacy Symposium Express: PBS KIDS for Grownups
5 p.m.
CRT Committee
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Veterans Flag Week
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Safe Zone: Gender & Orientation Language Diversity (GOLD)
11 a.m.
E&A Committee
11 a.m.
First-generation and Proud Round Table Discussion with UCF Campus President Dr. Alexander Cartwright (Virtual Session)
11 a.m.
EXCHANGE - Holiday Inn Club Vacations - Day at the CBA, "Hospitality Business Challenges and How we Adapted'"
12 p.m.
Prep with a Pro
12 p.m.
Research Recovery & Reskill Webinar: Fall 2020 Series #7
1 p.m.
Women in Cryptography
2 p.m.
Become a Competitive Grad School Applicant
2 p.m.
Become a Competitive Grad School Applicant (Virtual Session)
3 p.m.
Doing the Right Thing: What Every Graduate Student Should Know About Research Misconduct - CORE
3 p.m.
SBA Committee
3 p.m.
Candidate Open Forum: Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
3 p.m.
Mathematical Biology Seminar by Milad Hooshyar: Dengue transmission under hydro-climatic variability
3 p.m.
EXCHANGE - Holiday Inn Club Vacations - Day at the CBA, "Timeshare Myth Busters and Industry Insights during a Pandemic"
4 p.m.
Faculty Senate Steering Committee Meeting
4 p.m.
OATS: Backcountry Cooking
4:20 p.m.
Judicial Outreach Committee
5 p.m.
Trusting Myself and Others - Boundaries, Protection, and Forgiveness
6 p.m.
Evening MBA Information Session
6:30 p.m.
Legacy Admissions Workshop
7 p.m.
Student Government Senate
7 p.m.
TEA@UCF Weekly Meeting
Expand Events List
7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
Veterans Flag Week
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
9 a.m.
SVAD Virtual Information Session
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Fall 2020 Education Career Fair
11 a.m.
Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series
11 a.m.
World Kindness Day with CAPS
12 p.m.
Free Career Readiness Workshop
12 p.m.
CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks
2:30 p.m.
Photonics in the 21st Century
4 p.m.
OATS: Indigenous People of Florida
5:30 p.m.
Hack@UCF goes Virtual
6 p.m.
Pegasus String Quartet Concert
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8 a.m.
Kayaking Day Trip
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
American Heart Association Heart Walk
10 a.m.
American Heart Association Heart Walk
7:30 p.m.
UCF Football vs Temple
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9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
6 p.m.
WE HAVE DREAMS: Breaking Barriers
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7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
OA Day of Service
9 a.m.
Build Big Ideas and Win $2500 UCF LaunchPad’s BIG IDEA Competition
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Fall 2020 Virtual Study Abroad Fair
10 a.m.
Presenting your Research
10 a.m.
IEW- Opening Event
10:30 a.m.
IEW-Understanding the International Student Experiences: Creating an Inclusive Environment
11 a.m.
What is Grad School & Why Should I Apply?
11:30 a.m.
UCF Percussion Masterclass with Annie Stevens
11:30 a.m.
UCF Trumpet Masterclass with Brett Long from Eastern Tennessee State University
11:30 a.m.
Faculty Senate Parking, Transportation and Safety Committee
11:30 a.m.
IEW- Russian Language and Literature in the International Educations
12 p.m.
BLM Book Club
12 p.m.
Coffee & Conversation
1 p.m.
IEW- ISA Language Exchange
1:30 p.m.
PHPL Virtual Drop-In's
2 p.m.
CANCELED: Demystifying the GRE
2 p.m.
IEW- Contribution of Mexican Immigrants to Local Gastronomy
2 p.m.
Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs Virtual Open House
3 p.m.
Authorship, Credit and Collaborative Scholarship - CORE
3 p.m.
Internal Rules Committee
3 p.m.
Salary Negotiation, Presented by Addition Financial
4 p.m.
Take the Zero – Being OK with B’s and C’s
4:30 p.m.
EXCHANGE - Grant Thornton Speaker Series with Mark Brewer, President / CEO of Central Florida Foundation
5 p.m.
IEW- A Virtual Tour Around the Russian Embassy: History and Culture
5:45 p.m.
GAP Committee
Expand Events List
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
9 a.m.
“Black Veterans Matter: The Long March Home” Virtual Conference
9 a.m.
Precedence Committee
10 a.m.
Fall 2020 Virtual Study Abroad Fair
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
11 a.m.
Getting Started in Undergraduate Research
12 p.m.
IEW- What the Past tells us about Climate Change with Dr. Kirk Johnson
12 p.m.
Take Charge Tuesday: Stress Management
12 p.m.
Prep with a Pro
12 p.m.
Crash Course of Climb
12 p.m.
Master's in Integrated Business
12 p.m.
Supporting Startup Success at UCF with Rob Panepinto
12:15 p.m.
FAO Committee
1 p.m.
CAPS Racial Healing Group
1 p.m.
Pride Chat: How To Be An Ally
1:45 p.m.
IEW- International Student Panel- how to successfully get a internship/job in U.S
2 p.m.
LGBTQ+: Going Home for the Holidays
2 p.m.
Don’t Crumble Under Pressure!
2 p.m.
Internships Abroad (All Majors) with Global Experiences
2 p.m.
Violence Prevention Certificate Series: Are you into this?
2:30 p.m.
ORS Committee
3 p.m.
IEW- Cooking with Chef Alfredo Oropeza
4 p.m.
Kristi Maxwell Reading
4 p.m.
Info Session for Virtual Service Trip to Guatemala
4 p.m.
IEW- Study and Intern Abroad in the South Pacific with The Education Abroad Network
4 p.m.
IEW- Study Abroad Programs in Paris, Milan and Barcelona for Students in the Arts and Humanities
4 p.m.
MSW Traditional (F2F) Program Informational Mixer
4:45 p.m.
LJR Committee
6 p.m.
Mythbuster: What to Know about Black Women
Expand Events List
7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Fall 2020 Virtual Study Abroad Fair
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Ethics: Personal Integrity as a Graduate Student – CORE
10 a.m.
Violence Prevention Certificate Series: Continuum
10 a.m.
Colombia, the only risk is wanting to stay !
10:30 a.m.
Non-tenure Earning Community
10:30 a.m.
Fall Research Intensive Poster Showcase
11 a.m.
IEW- An International Student’s guide to Career Networking in the U.S.
11 a.m.
Career Lab: Resumes
11 a.m.
Eminent Scholars Lecture Series, "Justice for All? Public Administration's Role in Advancing Social Equity"
11 a.m.
Interviewing Strategies, Presented by ADP
11:30 a.m.
UCF Percussion Masterclass with Ed Roscetti
11:30 a.m.
IEW- The importance of the foreign language jobs for the U.S. Intelligence Community
11:30 a.m.
Summer Off-Campus Research Experiences
12 p.m.
Public Service Career Showcase
12 p.m.
FreshU Kitchen Virtual Cooking Class
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
SGLC Steering Committee
12 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
12:30 p.m.
IEW- Service and Love Together: Helping Local and International Community
1 p.m.
Open Advising for Students interested in Studying or Interning Abroad with CIS Abroad
1 p.m.
IEW- Open Advising for Students interested in Studying or Interning Abroad with CIS Abroad
1 p.m.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills
1 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
1 p.m.
Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Fall 2020
1:30 p.m.
Language Speed Dating - Meet New Languages
1:30 p.m.
Faculty Collective Bargaining
1:30 p.m.
Non-tenure Earning Community
1:30 p.m.
IEW- Rosen International Day!
1:30 p.m.
IEW- 4th Annual Language Speed Dating
2 p.m.
Learn About the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program for Study and Intern Abroad!
2 p.m.
IEW- Learn About the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program for Study and Intern Abroad
2 p.m.
DirectConnect to UCF® Dual Enrolled Student Information Session
2:30 p.m.
Faculty Senate Budget and Administrative Committee
3 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
3 p.m.
Be Scam Smart
3 p.m.
IEW-Peace Corps Informational Session
3 p.m.
Interpersonal Violence in the Trans Community
3 p.m.
Virtual Garden Lesson
4 p.m.
Trans Allyship and Advocacy
5 p.m.
CRT Committee
5 p.m.
The Academic Job Search - Webinar
6 p.m.
OATS: A Guide to Identifying Animals Outside
Expand Events List
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
9 a.m.
Emerging Media Information Session
10 a.m.
Fall 2020 Virtual Study Abroad Fair
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
Authorship, Credit and Collaborative Scholarship - CORE
11 a.m.
E&A Committee
11 a.m.
IEW- Understanding our Hispanic Communities: Case of Puerto Rico
12 p.m.
Healthy Coping Series
12 p.m.
Lunch in Pompeii- Dailies and Delicacies: Getting a Taste of Pompeii
12 p.m.
IEW-Dailies and Delicacies: Getting a Taste of Pompeii
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
Virtual Purrfectly Stress Free
1 p.m.
IEW- Livestream DJ Dance Party
1:30 p.m.
Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes
2 p.m.
Trans Empowerment Panel
2 p.m.
IEW- Tertulia en español
2:30 p.m.
Virtual Couponing 101 Class
3 p.m.
SBA Committee
3 p.m.
Going Home for the Holidays
3 p.m.
IEW-More Than Just Study Abroad: Learn about Service-Learning, Research and Internship Programs Abroad with International Studies Abroad
3 p.m.
TEFL Certificate Workshop
3 p.m.
Mathematical Biology Seminar by Kenneth Teter: Hsp90-Driven Delivery of Cholera Toxin into the Host Cell
3 p.m.
Virtual Tower Garden Workshop
3:30 p.m.
IEW- Paint a Mini Canvas
4 p.m.
Faculty Senate Meeting
4 p.m.
Apps To Help Organize Your Research Life – Online
4 p.m.
Hiring Hour
4 p.m.
IEW-Exchange Visitor Training Open House
4:20 p.m.
Judicial Outreach Committee
5:30 p.m.
UCF PokeKnights: Downtown Campus In-Person Club Meetings (Fall 2020)
6 p.m.
IEW- Movie in the park
6 p.m.
Drag Bingo with PFSA
7 p.m.
Student Government Senate
7 p.m.
UCF New Music Ensemble
7 p.m.
TEA@UCF Weekly Meeting
7 p.m.
UCF Alumni Book Club Presents Author Knight With David James Poissant
7 p.m.
UCF Alumni Book Club Presents Author Knight With David James Poissant
Expand Events List
7:30 a.m.
Sunrise Yoga
8 a.m.
Mindfulness and Land Acknowledgment Hike
9 a.m.
Theatre UCF presents Much Ado About Nothing: A Modern Verse Translation
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
10 a.m.
IEW- Connecting Classrooms
11 a.m.
Fall 2020 Virtual Study Abroad Fair
11 a.m.
Trans Day of Remembrance Tabling
11 a.m.
IEW- Publishing International Pages: A Workshop with América Magazine
11:30 a.m.
UCF Percussion Masterclass with Joshua Simonds
12 p.m.
Reflections on Kurdish Politics
12 p.m.
12 p.m.
CECS Virtual Faculty Research Talks
1 p.m.
IEW-Faculty Ted Talk from the OEP- 10 Strategies for Success to Learning Online
2 p.m.
Seminar-"Beyond Gaussian optics: theory and applications" —Andrea Aiello-Max Planck, Institute for Light
3:30 p.m.
IEW- Cooking Show with Dr. Kourova
5:30 p.m.
Hack@UCF goes Virtual
Expand Events List
7 a.m.
On Campus Adventure: Trail Running
8 a.m.
Trail Running at Arboretum
10 a.m.
Literacy Symposium Express: Resilient Children and Neurobiology
12 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
UCF Football vs Cincinnati
7 p.m.
UCF Symphony Orchestra Concert - Online
Expand Events List
8 a.m.
Intermediate Mountain Biking
12 p.m.
Expand Events List
10 a.m.
Mirage: Fall 2020 SVAD Biannual BFA Exhibition
12 p.m.
Self-Care and Boundaries During the Holidays
12 p.m.
1:30 p.m.
PHPL Virtual Drop-In's
3 p.m.
Internal Rules Committee
5:30 p.m.
Friendsgiving: Cooking with Lavender
5:45 p.m.
GAP Committee
Expand Events List
9 a.m.
Precedence Committee
12 p.m.
Take Charge Tuesday: Social Anxiety
12:15 p.m.
FAO Committee
12:30 p.m.
Friendsgiving: On Memory Mall
1 p.m.
CAPS Racial Healing Group
1:30 p.m.
UCF Bands presents Careers in Performance: The Life of a Professional Performer, Panel Discussion
2:30 p.m.
ORS Committee
3 p.m.
Safe Zone: Coming Out
4:45 p.m.
LJR Committee
Expand Events List
12 p.m.
SGLC Steering Committee
12 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
1 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
3 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
5 p.m.
CRT Committee
Expand Events List
11 a.m.
E&A Committee
3 p.m.
SBA Committee
4:20 p.m.
Judicial Outreach Committee
7 p.m.
Student Government Senate
Expand Events List
12 a.m.
Native American Heritage Day
12 p.m.
UCF Football at USF
5:30 p.m.
Hack@UCF goes Virtual
Expand Events List
10:30 a.m.
Converting Your Honors Thesis into a Journal Article (for HUT students) (URJ)
11 a.m.
Trans 101
1:30 p.m.
PHPL Virtual Drop-In's
1:30 p.m.
Writing an Abstract for a Conference
3 p.m.
Internal Rules Committee
4 p.m.
Faculty Senate Research Council
5:45 p.m.
GAP Committee
Expand Events List
12 a.m.
Giving Tuesday at UCF
9 a.m.
Precedence Committee
10:30 a.m.
Explore food and wine of Piemonte, Italy (virtual)
12 p.m.
What to Expect from Congress Transitions, Change, and Bipartisan Cooperation
12 p.m.
Take Charge Tuesday: Test Anxiety
12:15 p.m.
FAO Committee
1 p.m.
QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer
1:30 p.m.
Summer Off-Campus Research Experiences
2 p.m.
Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee
2:30 p.m.
ORS Committee
4:45 p.m.
LJR Committee
6 p.m.
LGBTQ+ Town Hall
Expand Events List
12 a.m.
Giving Tuesday at UCF
9 a.m.
Government Contracting: Overview
12 p.m.
SGLC Steering Committee
12 p.m.
Master's in Human Resources Info Session & Alumni Panel
12 p.m.
Summer Off-Campus Research Experiences
1 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
1:30 p.m.
Learning Technology - Lessons Learned in Fall 2020
3 p.m.
UCF Dreamers/DACA/TPS - Virtual Community Meetings
3 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
3 p.m.
Mid-week Mindfulness
3 p.m.
Judicial Council Meeting
4 p.m.
Zaina Arafat Reading
4 p.m.
UCF Literacy Symposium Express: Academic Literacy and English Language Learners
5 p.m.
CRT Committee
5 p.m.
Pride Student Union: Reflection on the Election
6 p.m.
Digital Media MA Virtual Graduate Open House
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8 a.m.
UCF Board of Trustees Meeting
8 a.m.
Stress Relief Hike
9 a.m.
Fall 2020 *Virtual* Senior Design Showcase: Engineering and Computer Science Innovation
10 a.m.
How to Start Your Business — Webinar
11 a.m.
Career Lab: Resumes
11 a.m.
E&A Committee
12 p.m.
Healthy Coping Series
2 p.m.
Setting Healthy Boundaries
3 p.m.
SBA Committee
3 p.m.
Mathematical Biology Seminar by David Jenkins: Predicting global human impacts on terrestrial ecosystems
4:20 p.m.
Judicial Outreach Committee
7 p.m.
Student Government Senate
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9 a.m.
Fall 2020 *Virtual* Senior Design Showcase: Engineering and Computer Science Innovation
10 a.m.
Integrative Anthropology Annual Conference
3 p.m.
Leadership Update and Open Forum
3 p.m.
Fall 2020 Open Forum
3 p.m.
Executive MBA Faculty Panel & Q&A
5:30 p.m.
Hack@UCF goes Virtual