Wednesday, February 22, 2012

  • Mentors in Violence Training Session - Learn how to stop the violence against women.

    Student Union: Key West Ballroom (Room 218)

    This 90 minute program helps students identify opportunities and strategies to intervene at various points in the violence process...from sexist jokes to risky social situations.SAFE Knight Week, hosted by SGA, is a week-long event designed to teach students about physical, mental and sexual safety, as well as various health and safety resources available on campus.

    UCF Cares
  • #1 Communication Problem: Not Thinking Before Speaking

    Student Union

    Conflict can be avoided if we take a moment to think before we speak. Learn how to formulate thoughts that will bring an outcome desired without the need for yelling, screaming, or further confrontations. Freshmen receive 500 LINK Points for attending. Faciliated by Dispute Resolution Services (DRS).

    UCF Cares
  • QPR - Question, Persuade and Refer - Suicide Pevention Training

    Lake Claire Community Office and Center

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college and university students, but it is also one of the most preventable causes of death. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer), guided by certified trainers, is a program designed for everyone to learn what can be done to prevent suicide. The program goal is to train faculty, staff, students, administrators, parents, and …

    UCF Cares