Wednesday, July 09, 2014

  • Rock Climbing Technique Class Advanced

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    This class will help improve your rock climbing abilities, with a focus on advanced technique skills for various applications. The class is open to climbers of all levels, with a preference for prior basic climbing knowledge and belay certification. Sign-up must be done in person at the Outdoor Adventure Center in the RWC.

    UCF Cares
  • Adult CPR with AED

    Recreation and Wellness Center

    No description provided.

    UCF Cares
  • Pain & Stress Management

    Counseling and Psychological Services: Group room

    No description provided.

    UCF Cares
  • Adjustment to Life on Campus

    Hercules 108: Programming Center

    Feeling homesick? Trying to figure out this "college" thing? This program will address common issues that all students face being away from home or on their own for the first time and ways to handle it.

    UCF Cares