Events and programs for all faculty including career development opportunities and recreational activities.

Friday, August 23, 2019

  • Instructors & Lecturers: What Happens After I Submit my Dossier?

    Center for Emerging Media

    You just hit submit on your promotion dossier and before your nerves and anticipation kick into high-gear, join us for a Straight Talk with Vice Provost Jana L. Jasinski. She will walk you through what it’s like to intentionally manage the promotion process and how it works from both sides. Bring your questions, and learn from your peers who are …

    Faculty Excellence
  • Assistant & Associate Professors: What Happens After I Submit my Dossier?

    Center for Emerging Media

    You just hit submit on your promotion dossier and before your nerves and anticipation kick into high-gear, join us for a Straight Talk with Vice Provost Jana L. Jasinski. She will walk you through what it’s like to intentionally manage the promotion process and how it works from both sides. Bring your questions, and learn from your peers who are …

    Faculty Excellence