Check here for all meetings, upcoming events, and activities being hosted by UCF Student Government!

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

  • Financial Allocations for Organization (FAO) Committee Meeting (Recurring Event)


    FAO, the Financial Allocations for Organizations Committee is one of the three Fiscal Committees in the Legislative Branch. The FAO committee allocates funds to Registered Student Organization's (RSOs) for Events, Projects, and Promotional Items. Funding level for each category can be found in the FAO Spending Policy ( RSO's can apply to be funded at 50% via a Senate Bill. …

    Student Government
  • From Impossible to I'm Possible


    Join Student Government along with guest speaker, Josh Rivedal, for a presentation on how to maintain one's own mental health while navigating their own disability.    JAN. 26, 2021 5-6pm ZOOM ID: 912 5358 2844

    Student Government
  • LGBTQ+ Caucus (Recurring Event)


    The LGBTQ+ Caucus is one of the five caucuses within Student Government.  The caucus is comprised of student leaders who advocate on behalf of the UCF community surrounding LGBTQ+ matters.  For the Zoom link, contact SG Advisor Brodie Taylor at

    Student Government