Check here for all meetings, upcoming events, and activities being hosted by UCF Student Government!

Friday, March 05, 2021

  • SG Scholarship Committee Meeting (Recurring Event)


    The Student Government Scholarship Committee will be meeting weekly throughout the spring semester to establish scholarships for students and conduct routine committee business.  Zoom Information: For more information about Student Government Scholarships please visit or email Scholarship Committee Chair Rob Gray at

    Student Government
  • Finance Office Spring 2021: Committee 1 (Recurring Event)


    An advisory committee that meets occasionally to discuss prominent financial concerns from within Student Government and other A&SF funded entities. In particular, the Finance Office makes policy recommendations to the A&SF Business Office and suggestions to the Student Senate on conduct audits on A&SF funded entities.

    Student Government
  • Election Information Sessions (Recurring Event)


    Learn about how to run for Student Government! This meeting is required if you want to run for any elected position, so make sure you find one that fits your schedule. If you cannot attend any of these meetings, reach out to the Supervisor of Elections at, or the SG Advisor Brodie at

    Student Government