Speaker: Dr. Candice Bridge - Assistant Professor, Chemistry (President, Black Faculty Staff Association)
We started this year in January by discussing the 2020 Vision and some strategic approaching to WINNING BIG in this new decade professionally, psychologically and every sphere of life. In February, we deep dived into understanding the Psychology of MONEY where Dr. Proctor guided us through several touch points on how to be Financially Prudent as rising professionals with a goal to living life wholesomely being debt free. This Month, GLASS CEILINGS limiting advancements in our chosen profession will be demystified and broken to pieces.
The GLASS CEILING is an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities. Professionals from the minority race and first generation college students have had their share of difficulties climbing the ladder of success in their chosen professional roles. The glass ceilings still exist; however, young professionals of minority decent especially women are slowly eroding that glass barrier and reaching their professional goals.
In reviewing the struggles that professionals of minority decent have encountered in a predominantly majority profession, one realizes that stereotypical attitudes do cross racial lines. Therefore, we have invited Dr. Candice Bridge, Professor of Chemistry and the President of UCF, BLACK FACULTY STAFF ASSOCIATION (BFSA) to come share with us her story on how she and many others broke through the difficulties of climbing the ladder of success from college and unto the present professional roles they occupy.
Please save the date! as we look forward to hosting every aspiring professional who have big dreams.
To RSVP, send a mail to legacy@ucf.edu or call 321-202-3242
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