Integrative Anthropology Annual Conference

Friday, December 4, 2020 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Integrative Anthropological Sciences doctoral program at the University of Central Florida invites you to the third annual Integrating Anthropology conference. This year's topic will be Transformations of the Body. This may be viewed from a literal standpoint looking at direct effects on the human body from:

- modifications and rites-of-passage
- environmental change, diet and disease
- the fluidity of identity, gender and sexuality
- the physical effects of human frailty, mortality and mortuary treatments

Alternatively, this may also refer to the figurative transformation of bodies, such as the ever-increasing body of multi-disciplinary anthropological research.In keeping with the program’s thematic interests, we will present research implementing interdisciplinary approaches to contrast, compare, and showcase transformations of the body. To ensure the health and well-being of our participants and attendees, this year's conference will be held virtually.

Register here.

Keynote Speaker: Aaron Deter-Wolf, Prehistoric Archaeologist for the State of Tennessee Division of Archaeology

Aaron Deter-Wolf is a Prehistoric Archaeologist with the Tennessee Division of Archaeology in Nashville, where his work includes managing ancient Native American sites on State-owned lands and conducting archaeological excavations and research. In addition to his work in Tennessee, for the past decade Aaron has been a leading researcher in developing the archaeological study of tattooing. Those efforts include studies using contextual analysis and microscopic use-wear signatures to identify tattooing tools in archaeological collections, projects to systematically document tattoos on ancient preserved human remains, and experiments recreating and testing ancient and historic tattooing implements.

In 2009, Aaron organized the first American academic symposium to examine ancient and early historic Native American tattooing, which culminated in the volume Drawing with Great Needles: Ancient Tattoo Traditions of North America. He has participated in international symposia on ancient body modification, authored multiple research publications on the archaeological identification of tattooing artifacts, and is co-editor of the volume Ancient Ink: The Archaeology of Tattooing, the first-ever book dedicated to the global archaeological study of tattooing. In recent years Aaron was part of research teams which identified a 2,000-year old cactus spine tattooing tool from southern Utah, and 5,000-year old turkey bone tattooing tools from Tennessee. He shares information about ancient and historic tattooing and body modification on the Instagram account @archaeologyink.

This event is free, but registration is required. Register by clicking here.

For more information about this event, refer to their website.

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UCF Integrating Anthropology Doctoral Program


Events at UCF




Anthropology Anthropology PhD research Integrative Anthropology Aaron DeterWolf