CSRDE: Integrate Early Alert And Case Managed Advising For Maximum Results

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Webinar hosted by CSRDE- The Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange.

Facilitated by: Noël Bezette-Flores, Patricia Ugwu, Kumuda Fernando, Tamara Baker, Stacy Welcome & Phillip Nicotera of Houston Community College.

Houston Community College (HCC) is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering a high quality, affordable education for academic advancement, workforce training, career development, and lifelong learning to prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in a global and technological society. As one of the largest community colleges in the nation, HCC has served the Greater Houston area for over four decades. To provide every student an opportunity to succeed, HCC offers several intervention programs including Early Alert, Case Managed Advising, and Guided Pathways. This presentation will share information about how the integration of Early Alert and Case Managed Advising resulted in significant alert closures and student engagement with advisors following the implementation of new informal but appreciative and intentional proactive communication with assigned students. Participants receive a sample communication email and Early Alert bookmark that they can adapt as necessary. For the 2016 and 2017 year, implementation data show an increase in Early Alert closure rate from 720 in 2015 to 1121 in 2018, an alert closure rate of 64%. These same data show academic issues as the reason for most alerts and revealed fourteen courses that generated most alerts.

This is a paid webinar- Advisor Training and Development will manage the virtual viewing for registrants.

Register via Eventbrite. Webinar link will be provided to attendees on the morning of the viewing.

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Academic Success Coaching Training and Development



