Finding International Customers in a Virtual World: Export Marketing in the New Normal

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Presented by:

  • Jill McLaughlin, Consultant & International Trade Specialist, FSBDC at UCF
  • Nerine Elattar, Consultant & International Trade Specialist, FSBDC at UCF
  • Ken Mouradian, Director, Orlando US Export Assistance Center
  • Mike Cooney, Director, Enterprise Florida International Trade & Development

Connect with new customers around the world! In this webinar we will explore the opportunities and services available to help Florida companies identify, vet and qualify potential partners or customers in overseas markets, provide virtual introductions and keep your business growing. We will also cover market entry strategies and best practices for exhibiting at virtual and live trade shows to maximize your export success. Presented by international trade specialists from the Florida SBDC at UCF and exporting experts from the U.S. Commerce Department and Enterprise Florida.

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exporting international business Marketing Small Business Business Development