Government Contracting Proposals: a Panel Discussion

Wednesday, September 15, 2021 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Writing a good proposal is critical to winning solicitations to help grow your business. This is an opportunity to understand the government contracting proposal process from multiple perspectives.

 - Jenny Clark will begin with pricing strategies to win contracts and cashflow management for government contractors. 

 - Gary Beatovich will detail what government agencies are looking for in a proposal and what mistakes he has seen in his years of procurement experience. 

 - Juliet Fletcher will discuss how to write a great proposal and what should be included in a winning document. 

 - Ed Kinberg will finish with the compliance and law aspects of proposal development. 

The panel will include ample time for questions and informal discussion. Don't miss this!



1. Jenny Clark, founder and CEO of Solvability 30+ years experience in Government Contracting*

2. Juliet Fletcher, founder and CEO Writing Made Easy LLC 30+ years experience in Proposal Development*

3. Gary Beatovich, Retired Government Acquisition & Contract Management 30+ years experience*

4. Ed Kinberg, Esq. Government Contracts Attorney with 30+ years experience*

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Small Business Government contracting