Climate change is a real and growing threat that will impact everything from food and water security to coastal infrastructure and biodiversity. UCF faculty, local government leaders and students join a world-wide effort to learn more and discuss the implications of climate change and approaches to mitigating and adapting to this global problem. All are welcome.
2:00 - 2:50 PM
Panel 1: Adaptation and Politics for a sustainable future
Peter Jacques, Ph.D., Professor of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs and UCF Coastal-- Introduction
Jacopo Baggio, Ph.D. Associate Professor of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs and UCF Coastal,-- Adaptation in Complexity
Paul Vasquez, Ph.D. Associate Lecturer of the School of Politics, Security, and International Affairs -- Climate insecurity
Jim Bacchus, Director of The Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity and former member of Congress-- Addressing Climate Change under the Current Political Economy
Sarah Royer, UCF and Political Ecology Lab Alum ('21)-- Compounding Harm on minority communities and Climate Justice
3:00 - 3:50 PM
Panel 2: Mitigation and Adaptation in practice
Clayton Ferrara, IDEAS for US Executive Director-- Environmental Action as an Undergraduate Student in 2022
Ana Leal, MS, MFA, Founder of Amly Sustainability consulting, The Importance of Green Design
Desta Horner, MA, former teacher for Seminole County Public Schools-- A proposition for carbon tax
Claire Knox, Ph.D., Associate Professor of UCF Coastal and School of Public Administration -- Coastal Planning
4:00 - 4:50 PM
Panel 3: Local Action
Chris Castro, Director of the Office of Sustainability & Resilience for the City of Orlando-- Orlando Climate Action
Yara Watson Colon, Sustainability Specialist II at UCF-- UCF Climate Action
Lori Forsman, Sustainability Programs Manager at Orange County Government -- Orange County Action
Jenifer Rupert, Managing Partner of East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Regional action
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