Join the UCF Advocates for Advanced and Gifted Education for its annual UCF ADAGE Gifted Conference in the Morgridge International Reading Center.
This year, this conference is sponsored through Project GLIMPSE, a Jacob K. Javits Grant with UCF in collaboration with The School District of Osceola County.
UCF ADAGE is pleased to host the eminent international experts, Dr. Joseph Renzulli and Dr. Sally Reis, as keynote speakers to share their latest conceptions and research! Hear from gifted education professionals, teachers, graduate students and researchers in the field as we emerge into new paradigms and thinking in gifted education. Five strands include Marginalized perspectives; Neurodiverse/Twice-Exceptional; Creative Leaps in Curriculum Learning; Affective Education and Counselling; STEAM gifted curriculum. Special panel discussions, presentations and hands-on workshops with casual conversations will allow for interaction and networking.
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