UCF Collaborates: Digital Arts and Entertainment

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The next UCF Collaborates event will be held on Wednesday, March 22 from 10 am to 11:30 am via Zoom. The topic of this collaborative event is "Digital Arts and Entertainment".

The goal of this event is to share collaborative interest/potential and to provide a platform for the exchange of ideas across disciplines. This will support efforts to expand individual research networks, attract multidisciplinary funding, and maximize research impact.


  • Welcome: Dr. Winston Schoenfeld, Associate VP for Research
  • Keynote presentation: Dr. Robert Littlefield, Director and Professor of Communication in Nicholson School of Communication and Media
  • Lightning presentations from research faculty that would like to present
  • Networking in breakout rooms. Breakouts are open to all participants and will be organized by broad topics based on participants’ areas of interest


  • Registration is required for all attendees, whether you plan to give a 2-minute lightning presentation or participate only as an attendee
  • Please join the event 5 minutes early so you don't miss any valuable information given at the start of the event
  • If you indicate an interest to give a 2-minute lightning presentation in the registration form:
    • You will be notified if you have been selected to present
    • You will receive a follow up email with a link to a form to collect information for a one-page slide for your lightning presentation
    • The Research Development team will take the information provided in the form by each presenter and create the presenter’s one-page slide. The presenter does not need to create the one-page slide. A sample template that will be used for all lightning presentations can be viewed here: http://bit.ly/3XpZPj1
    • Following the event, a reference directory with all lightning presenters’ information will be made available on the Office of Research UCF Collaborates website

Although we only have time for a limited number of faculty presenting their research during the lightning presentations, the event is open to all faculty and students interested in attending the event and participating in the networking breakout rooms.

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Event Registration

Register for this event.

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Research Development resdev@ucf.edu


Events at ucf




Digital entertainment Digital arts Game design Digital Media research