CSRDE: Examining The Effects Of Peer-Led Team Learning As A Support For Community College Transfer Students Stem Achievement

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Peer-led Team Learning (PLTL) is a model of instruction and learning that has been in use for many years to combat low success rates in various science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses and other fields in higher education. Although research conveying the efficacy of this model of instruction remains mixed, this webinar will provide the details of the successful efforts of one College of Engineering (COE) at a four-year university to implement PLTL as an aid in increasing STEM achievement. More specifically, and in response to decreasing enrollment of first-time, full-time freshmen, the COE targeted a population of community college transfer students (CCTS), who were provided with additional academic, social, and financial supports, with this PLTL model. Through the students’ shared experience, the presentation will convey information regarding STEM degree success attainments and challenges faced by CCTS participating in the PLTL initiative. Information regarding implications, considerations, and extension of implementation will be provided and correspond to engagement and retention efforts directed at STEM students from the community college population.

Presenters: Audrey Meador, Vinitha Subburaj, Pamela Lockwood Cooke, & Anitha Subburaj of West Texas A&M University

Intended audience: Academic Advisors and Student Support Professionals

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