SBA Workshop: Federal Surplus Program for VOSB and 8(a) Firms

Wednesday, October 11, 2023 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you In-Person at the National Entrepreneur Center in Orlando.

This live event will explain the SBA federal surplus property programs currently available to 8(a) firms and Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs). The workshop will address the regulatory guidance applicable to both programs, eligibility criteria, and the role of the district office in monitoring these programs if you receive a property transfer. The Florida State Agency for Surplus Program (SASP) will be discussed, their interaction with SBA and GSA, and their role in the federal surplus program, including discussing what documentation will be needed to be considered. Finally, we will briefly discuss the SBA VSBCP process which will be critical for VOSBs that are not yet actively registered with SBA or the VA's VETBIZ Portal. Prior registration is required.

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