Selling Your Accomplishments: Preparing Your Vita and CPE Dossier etc.

Monday, January 9, 2017 10 a.m. to noon

Selling Your Accomplishments: Preparing Your Vita and CPE Dossier; Writing Research, Teaching, and Service Statements; and Pulling Data from the Pegasus Mine Portal


  • January 9, 10:00-12:00, MIRC Global Communications Rooms and
  • January 13, 2:00-4:00, Global Building Room 101

Sponsor: Office of Faculty Excellence


  • Dr. Cynthia Young, Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence and UCF Global
  • Linda Sullivan, Assistant Vice President, Institutional Knowledge Management
  • Danae Barulich, IT Business Analyst, Institutional Knowledge Management

Goal of the program: To provide tips on how to showcase your accomplishments in your vita, dossier, and statements (this will be covered in the first hour of the session) and how to use the Pegasus Mine Portal to provide evidence of your accomplishments (this will be covered in the second hour of the session). Please bring a laptop for hands-on work in Pegasus Mine Portal.

Target audience: All assistant professors

Suggested homework/discussion with coach: Revise your CV and draft your research, teaching, and service statements; share CV and statements with coach for feedback; access your data from Pegasus Mine Portal

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Morgridge International Reading Center: Global Communications Room


Faculty Excellence




Faculty Excellence Assistant Professor