The Role of Women Faculty in Civic Engagement

Friday, March 3, 2017 noon to 1 p.m.

This workshop is designed to expose women faculty to the different opportunities for social activism and civic engagement to assist them in working with women and people of disenfranchised groups in context of the research, and service required of an academic position.

Workshop Goals: After completion of this workshop, women faculty in attendance will have a better knowledge of the following:

  • Opportunities to research gender equity within different fields of academic study;
  • Opportunities for women faculty to engage in community groups and organizations that advance the rights and opportunities for women at the local, state, and national level;
  • Opportunities to engage students from each individual discipline (undergraduate and graduate) through research, activism or the development of student groups. 

CSWF 2017 Faculty Fellow: Melanie Sberna Hinojosa, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, College of Sciences. 

No RSVP needed.

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Classroom Building I: 205


Faculty Excellence



