Women in academia have unique challenging in trying to balance the demands of teaching, research, families, kids, and yet still trying to maintain some identity beyond their roles and titles.
In this workshop we learn how to make time for sorting out one’s thinking, state of mind, feelings, intuitions, apprehensions, hopes, and responsibilities by journaling and finding the right tools for journaling. Journaling allows women to stay connected to values, goals, and emotions important to them and allows for a record of growth and processing of experiences and thoughts that often women don’t have time to do. Journaling also allows the mind to de-clutter and become more focused and attuned to problem-solving strategies.
As diarist Anais Nin writes about journaling: “Put yourself in the present. This is my principal when I wrote the diary – to write the things I felt most strongly about that day. Start there and that starts the whole unraveling, because that has roots in the past and it has branches into the future.” This workshop will give you the opportunity to do some purposeful unraveling.
CSWF 2017 Faculty Fellow: Susan Jardaneh, Associate Lecturer, Department of English, College of Arts and Humanities.
No RSVP needed.
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