A Conversation to Encourage Women to Apply for the UCF Excellence Awards - UCF Excellence Awards

Wednesday, January 8, 2014 noon to 1:30 p.m.
A Conversation to Encourage Women to Apply for the UCF Excellence Awards (Teaching, Advising, Professional Service & Research)

UCF Women’s Studies and UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty are pleased to present our annual, "Informal conversations with past winners of Excellence Awards ". Past winners will provide tips on how to better prepare your application for the 2014 Excellence Awards for Teaching, Research, Professional Advising and Service. Come and learn how to become the next winner.
The following UCF Women Faculty were recipients of awards for excellence in teaching, research and service at the 2012/2013 UCF Founders’ Day Honors Convocations. They will have their winning portfolios available for display and discussion.
The University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Joanna Z. Mishtal – College of Sciences;

College Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
Ilenia Colon Mendoza - College of Arts and Humanities;

The University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching
Donna Bobek Schmitt – College of Business Administration;

College Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching
Heejung Ro - Rosen College of Hospitality Management;

The University Award for Excellence in Professional Academic Advising
Gail A. Raymond – College of Health and Public Affairs;

College Award for Excellence in Research
Jennifer E. Kent-Walsh - College of Health and Public Affairs;

The University Award for Excellence in Professional Service
Linda Walters – College of Sciences. Read More


Classroom Building I: 207


Center for Success of Women Faculty



