CSWF Spring Workshop Series - Involved in Elder Care and Caring for Family Members with Disabilities

Tuesday, April 8, 2014 noon to 1 p.m.
CSWF Spring Workshop Series for UCF Faculty, Staff and Students Involved in Elder Care and Caring for Family Members with Disabilities. “Managing Grief and Loss for Caregivers”. “Anticipatory grief” is the term used for the long-term sadness which accompanies a loved one’s slow but steady decline with Alzheimer’s disease; parents of children with disabilities may also mourn the loss or delay of developmental milestones. How do we effectively address this very real grief process while still celebrating good days and small victories? CSWF Faculty Fellow Panelists: Nichole Stack, Lecturer, Writing & Rhetoric, CAH; Denise Gammonley, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, COPHA, and Peggy Nuhn, Librarian, UCF Regional Campus. Read More


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