College of Health Professions and Sciences

Thursday, August 19, 2021

  • MSW Orientation

    Health Sciences Building I (HS I): Room 119

    Orientation for graduate students in the Master of Social Work (MSW) program.

    School of Social Work
  • Welcome all UCF graduate students and postdoctoral researchers! (Recurring Event)


    You are invited to attend a UCF Libraries online orientation session to learn about essential resources and services available to you. The sessions offer a great starting point as you prepare for upcoming research projects and course assignments. Each session will provide an overview of our catalog, journal and database resources, publishing and copyright tips, how to get assistance with …

    School of Social Work
  • Diversity Speaker Series - Let's Support our Knight Veterans!


    During this informational session, JJ Johnson will provide an overview of the veteran population at UCF, describe VARC resources that support staff/faculty/student veterans at UCF, and highlight the ways that staff/faculty can assist veterans at UCF.

    School of Social Work