"Immunogenomic evolution and disease in marine turtles" presented by Katherine R. Martin Virtual Participation: Zoom: 989 3624 9135, passcode: 214403 https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98936249135?pwd=MVphbE90cmxxYk92TDFyQ0c1SEE5Zz09
Biology Department Calendar"The influence of natural and anthropogenic drivers on estuarine food webs at various spatio-temporal scales and levels of complexity" presented by Michelle Shaffer Virtually Participation: (Meeting ID: 882 2131 8156; Passcode: yS6zSf; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88221318156?pwd=M2hmVEdTYkRndXNTcExCdU04T21KUT09
Biology Department Calendar"Fighting the Bite With Foresight: Use of Joint Species Distribution Models for Fine-scale Prediction and Control of Mosquito Populations in Central Florida" prsented by Jacob Hart ZOOM Meeting ID: 987 2865 5619 | Passcode: JSDM Link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/98728655619?pwd=SEdqVVd1OVp6c3hrSVZpYk5USWdQQT09
Biology Department CalendarJoin Mark Adams, Education Director for the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum for this session: During the Korean War, President Truman faced a dilemma. The steel industry mill owners and workers could not agree on wages and price controls. A strike seemed inevitable. Truman was concerned that a lack of steel during the Korean War would hinder the war …
Biology Department Calendar