All-encompassing calendar

Thursday, March 02, 2023

  • Inclusive Communication (Recurring Event)

    Barbara Ying Center: 140

    Facilitators: Kavita Sawh and Azon Bonifacio Description:As facilitated by UCF’s Office of Diversity Education and Training, Inclusive Communication explores the concept that as we interact in diverse environments and strive to enhance inclusion and equity, it is important to be welcoming, appreciative, valuing, and respectful in our communications with one another. Discussions and activities develop the following ideas: Inclusive communication involves …

    Office of the Vice President for Access and Community Engagement
  • Safe Zone Series: Coming Out


    Facilitator: LGBTQ+ Services Description: The Coming Out workshop explores the process and challenges of coming out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender. Participants will learn more about what the process of coming out may look like, different misconceptions, and how to be an advocate during and after someone comes out. The workshop will allow those who attend to explore their LGBTQ+ …

    Office of the Vice President for Access and Community Engagement