Events in the College of Arts and Humanities

Friday, August 24, 2018

  • 2018 SVAD Faculty Exhibition (Recurring Event)

    UCF Art Gallery

    The University of Central Florida Art Gallery is proud to present a dynamic exhibition of artworks by the faculty of the UCF School of Visual Arts and Design. These professional artists have received both national and international recognition for their engaging and thought-provoking works. The exhibit showcases a wide range of traditional and contemporary media and processes including: book arts, …

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  • Pegasus PlayLab: Human Error (Recurring Event)

    Theatre UCF: Main Stage: TH 6

    When a fertility clinic mistakenly implants Madelyn and Keenan’s embryo in someone else, an unlikely relationship is forged between couples with wildly different backgrounds. By Eric PfeffingerDirected by Be Boyd Part of Pegasus PlayLab, a new summer theatre festival dedicated to developing plays by emerging playwrights. *Please join us for a post-show talkback with College of Medicine and Department of …

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