Learn more: http://rnr.sdes.ucf.edu/non-religion/

Saturday, March 02, 2019

  • Diversity Workshop: InterWorldview Respect and Inclusion (Recurring Event)

    Millican Hall: 384

    Formerly called Secular and Religious Minority Awareness. Employees sign up through MyUCF, Employee Self Service, Training, DIV224. Students and community members email Diverse@ucf.edu to register. As faith and non-faith diversity increases, incidents of related discrimination, bullying, marginalization, and other challenges continue to rise. Through interactive discussions and games we explore faith and non-faith diversity and the experiences of those facing …

    Humanist and Secular Services
  • Diversity Workshop: Atheism and Humanism: Living Without God (Recurring Event)

    Millican Hall: 384

    Employees sign up through MyUCF, Employee Self Service, Training, DIV353. Students and community members email Diverse@ucf.edu to register. This is an InterWorldview discussion focusing specifically on Atheistic identities. We define Atheism, Humanism, and other non-faith identities and explore the values and inner-life of non-religious individuals. We learn about the specific challenges non-religious people face and consider ways to build bridges …

    Humanist and Secular Services