Today's Events

  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ARC Lab (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ARC Lab Meeting will be held in Room 105

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • Virtual Yoga (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    Yoga instructor provides virtual yoga club or people with acquired brain injury. Held in Room 102

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meeting (Recurring Event)

    CHPS Innovation Center

    ECAP Research Lab Weekly Meetings will be held every Wednesday of the Spring '25 semester in the IC Conference Room (Room 711)

    CHPS Innovation Center
  • NSSHLA Guest Speaker

    CHPS Innovation Center

    NSSHLA Guest speaker event will be in Room 105

    CHPS Innovation Center