Monday, August 31, 2020

  • 503 Service Unavailable

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    Sunrise Yoga at Lake Claire (Recurring Event)

    RWC Lake Claire: Outside

    Participants who reserve a spot online can do so 24 hours before the start of any class and must arrive 15 minutes early to secure their space in the class. Walk-ins and stand-bys are not permitted for Fall 2020. Participants are not allowed to join a class that has been going on for more than five minutes.

    Events at UCF
  • Illuminating the Darkness: Our Carceral Landscape (Recurring Event)

    503 Service Unavailable

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    Although there are over 2.3 million people currently incarcerated in the United States, the prison system remains largely invisible to the majority of Americans. Prisons tend to be built in rural areas, out-of-view and away from the daily lives of many. The physical and psychological marginalization and minoritization of system-impacted people allows us to ignore mass incarceration, even though it …

    Events at UCF
  • CCIE Virtual Advising Front Desk (Undergraduate Students) (Recurring Event)


    For undergraduate students with majors in the College of Community Innovation and Education only. An academic advisor will be available to answer general and quick academic questions. CCIE Virtual Advising Front Desk hours will be held via ZOOM (please contact to receive the Zoom link and login information). If you would like to schedule a more detailed one-on-one advising …

    Events at UCF
  • Creating Healthy Relationships Workshop

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    Description to be provided.

    Events at UCF
  • PHPL Virtual Drop-In's (Recurring Event)


    Do you have a quick question? Virtually visit the Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising office via Zoom during our drop-in hours where you will be able to speak with an advisor to ask brief questions. Pre-Health and Pre-Law Advising drop-in advising sessions are available via Zoom. Please visit the link below to access the session after the drop-in time has started. …

    Events at UCF
  • Freshman Edition: Build Winning Resumes (Recurring Event)

    Freshman, how do you craft a winning resume as you begin your academic career? This webinar for freshman students highlights how to incorporate and plan for collegiate co-curricular experiences on a resume. This session is not available for GEB points. SLS Students: You must refer to your Resume Writing Worksheet for your SLS assignment. You must use your NID and …

    Events at UCF
  • 503 Service Unavailable

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    Yoga Nidra (Recurring Event)


    Yoga Nidra is an ancient meditation practice from India. Though the literal translation of Nidra is “sleep” it also means “a changing state of consciousness” which is brought about as you connect with your mind and body. As you listen along to this meditation you will create for yourself a deep state of relaxation as well as a new understanding …

    Events at UCF
  • GAP Committee (Recurring Event)


    The Government Affairs and Policy (GAP) Committee is one of the four Internal Committees in the Legislative Branch which serves to increase student engagement with civic education and current events. The GAP committee facilitates relationships between the Student Body, local elected Representatives and Government Officials. Serving as a non-partisan research committee to connect students to issues, proposals, and changes that …

    Events at UCF
  • 503 Service Unavailable

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    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.


    Cycle (Recurring Event)


    Find a spin bike on Court 3 and take this Live Virtual Cylce Class through Zoom. Register here. This is an all-levels class. All classes are available to current students and those with paid RWC memberships. Participants who reserve a spot online can do so 24 hours before the start of any class and must arrive 15 minutes early to …

    Events at UCF