What happens when you pay your debt to society, but you continue to be locked out of opportunities. You’re released from jail/prison and told you need to be a productive citizen but your access to life resources are limited. What do you do? How do you survive? How do you contribute to society?
Civil Discourse and EngagementI’ve had “the talk” with my son, but I wonder if it’s enough I pray for my son daily, yet I wonder if it’s enough I advocate for my community through dialogue with the police, but is it enough Will all I do be enough to keep my son alive because #BlackLivesMatter #MySonMatters
Civil Discourse and EngagementMy parents simply wanted a better life not for themselves but for their children. They dream of one day having a son, a daughter that graduates college. They dream of standing as proud parents with me holding my UCF diploma. Is it wrong to want the American Dream?
Civil Discourse and EngagementFlashbacks, nervousness, depression, anxiety, mood swings, are just a few symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that individuals fight with daily. PTSD is a complex battle that requires an arsenal of fight to live.
Civil Discourse and Engagement