Tuesday, November 17, 2020

  • Pride Chat: How To Be An Ally


    Come join us for Trans Week of Remembrance to learn how to be an ally and on using privilege for advocation in this week's Pride Chat.

    Civil Discourse and Engagement
  • Navigating Evolving Relationships

    Zoom: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95211711335?pwd=T2pMYm5vT2U2SmZoU1pUMjAvbmo2dz09

    Participants will have a safe space in which to learn, share, receive feedback, and offer support to each other, as they explore the changing dynamics of interpersonal relationships as the transitioning process progresses from coming out to authentic self-expression of gender identity.

    Civil Discourse and Engagement
  • Mythbuster: What to Know about Black Women


    Join MSC and BFDC for our third installment of the Mythbusters series! In this episode, we will be diving into common myths about black women and learning about some of the struggles black women go through. Register on SignUp Genuis for Zoom link

    Civil Discourse and Engagement
  • Cooking & Conversation with Antoni Porowski


    Join CAB, Rosen Life, MSC, and LGBTQ+ Services as we welcome Antoni Porowski from Netflix's Queer Eye for Cooking and Conversation!

    Civil Discourse and Engagement