The Office of Graduate Student Life provides a variety of services to support graduate students throughout their time at UCF

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

  • Where to Publish and Author Rights (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Colbourn Hall, Suite 146

    How do you decide which journals are a best fit for your manuscript? Do you know that all rights to a work are often assigned to publishers when a manuscript is accepted? Learn to be a savvy author! This two-part workshop will cover criteria to consider when planning where to submit your work for publication and basic information about copyright …

    Graduate Student Life
  • A Practical Guide to Preventing Plagiarism - ELECTIVE

    Graduate Student Center: Colbourn Hall, Suite 146

    This session will outline ethical writing guidelines and define commonly found plagiarism practices. The student will gain an understanding on how to prevent plagiarizing another person’s work and learn the proper use of citations when drafting research papers and journals. ELECTIVE Academic Integrity Workshop Students must register for all workshops through their myUCF Student Center under Graduate Students then Pathways …

    Graduate Student Life