The Office of Graduate Student Life provides a variety of services to support graduate students throughout their time at UCF

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

  • Doing the Right Thing: What Every Graduate Student Should Know About Research Misconduct – CORE (Recurring Event)

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    In this session students will learn the 12 core areas of responsible conduct of research (RCR). The core areas will be explored using a combination of case studies and facilitated discussion. Emphasis will be placed on recognizing the historical foundations of RCR within the broader landscape of ethics. Students will learn how to leverage communication and disclosure for the ethical …

    Graduate Student Life
  • Writing like a Member in my Academic Field

    Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

    Each academic field has set guidelines for genres, purposes and varying audiences. This workshop will focus on how to guide a novice in their understanding of appropriate writing conventions by reading and analyzing subject-specific texts, practicing discipline-specific writing tasks, and helping them understand the theoretical foundations of their academic discipline in regard to written communication. Students must register for all …

    Graduate Student Life